Social Icons


Showing posts with label web part. Show all posts
Showing posts with label web part. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Custom Social Media Add-ons for Ecommerce Websites built on Concrete5

Now is the age of social media. Whichever you launch on the web and or on the offline market, you focus must be on the social media platform so that your message drives direct to your target audience, thereby they come to know you, relate with you, and buy your offer. In order to ensure all these happen with you, place social media buttons on your business portal. Do you know how becoming it will be for your site ambiance when they are custom-made?

Built on the Concrete5 CMS, an ecommerce site may get such an ambiance and achieve maximum exposure all across the market, but for it, installation of social media web parts or add-ons on the site is prerequisite. Installation of a C5 Social Media add-on needs to be done and then, its block needs to be added. Having them installed and added to your C5-based site, your job is finished, and everything will follow automatically. Your labour given to monitor each Like, Follow, etc. your site is getting will drastically come down. As a result, your productivity will rise more and more as you can then put your focus on other segments of works.

Here are some Case-in-Points which can illustrate its benefits better:

·        Allow you to add social media widgets of your social media profile pages. They may be from Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.
·        Colour scheme configuration for Facebook button is allowed.
·        Width, Height, and Layout Style of FB button is configurable.
·        Configure usual formatting styles of your Twitter profile page showing date, time, and followers.
·        Twitter widget’s height and width are also configurable.
·        Configure height and width of Google+ widget.

Though this solution is not palpable, a hardcover pack of the solution is still being given here as follows.
How to procure it?

·        Simply log on to the site
·        Go to the product navigation button, visible on the top of its page
·        Choose the Concrete 5 Add-on from the Product button drop-down menu and click on the AW Social Media Box
·        You’ll get the zip package of the product as you pay the nominal fee for the product.

Installation of the product is also easy, although step-wise installation guide will be sent to you from Addonworks, which may be like the following.

·        Unzip the package as you receive its zipped file.
·        Keep the license.licx file into root of social_media__box folder.
·        Go to the Dashboard> Add functionality> Check the add-on on the list of awaiting installation.
·        Click on the Install button which you can find next to the add-on.

Make sure to be careful while installing the Social Media add-on on your ecommerce site built on Concrete5 CMS. By installing this social media web part, promoting your website will be much easier.